Keeping it Clean: the Japanese obsession with cleanliness
Keeping it Clean: the Japanese obsession with cleanliness By D. Robinson Take off your shoes! This custom is probably the first piece of Japanese culture a visitor to Japan learns on, or before, arrival, that along with the ubiquitous bow. Removing footwear before entering homes, some schools and even the occasional office or restaurant is […]
Art Festivals in Tokyo, Japan
Express Yourself: Japan’s Biggest Art Festival “I hope I will be able to take things easy from my wife’s earnings --- that’s my ultimate goal,” Eiji Tamaki, a 34-year-old regular company employee decked out in samurai attire, chuckles half-jokingly. Tamaki runs an online store, Orisian, selling tsumami-zaiku, small flower-shape ornaments made of folded (kimono) fabric, […]
Japanese Innovative Products: Zero-calorie Candy, Dried "tsukemono" (pickled vegetables), Chocolate Kimono
From a unique idea to producing a “first” product If one was to suggest people such as Jack Welch, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs as the business giants created by the current times, it is unlikely anyone would voice an objection. A point these illustrious businesspeople have in common is their “non-stop” quality. Steve Jobs […]
What is Omotenashi? About Japanese style hospitality
John Mori meets with Japanese experts whose lives revolve around the concept of delivering the ultimate in customer satisfaction, and asks, What is Omotenashi? What is Omotenashi or Motenashi? Any foreigner who has lived in Japan for an extended period of time will have been asked this question: “What’s your favorite Japanese word?” In my […]
Growing Coworking Spaces in Tokyo Amid Pandemic
The lounging area. A telephone booth. It is a rule to talk on the phone here so as not to distract other people. While lockers using keys are also provided, books and others are placed on shelves for common use. Electric stove The kitchen is fully equipped. It is adequate for preparing simple meals. The […]
Online Utilization by Age in Japan
According to the results of a survey conducted in April of this year, the most popular form of media accessed by all subjects was TV (terrestrial broadcasting), stated by 89.0% of respondents. This was followed by YouTube and other video-sharing sites, with 51.6%, followed by newspapers (49.3%). However, considerable discrepancies were found between age segments. […]
Japanese Elderly People Are Going Online: Reasons Why Seniors Are Glad to Be Wired
As a result of a one-year survey released last January, without reference to specific equipment or manner of usage, it was found that Internet utilization among people in their 60s and 70s continues to increase, with 57.0% of the former and 23.3% of the latter making use. When asked to identify good points about the […]
About Moms (Mothers) in Japan
How Are Japanese Moms Different from Other Countries? Recently, McCann Truth Central, McCann World group completed a global research on mothers with children aged zero to 12. They talked to them about a wide range of issues as they tried to explore what might be common about the way they they are influenced, and influencing […]
Most Common Breakfast Staples in Japan
Source: Pal System Consumers Cooperative Union survey of 1,000 people who eat breakfast at least once a week, conducted in March 2012 In a survey of 1,000 people who consume breakfast at least once per week, a slight majority, 51.1% said that bread tended to be their main breakfast staple. This was followed by rice, […]
Reasons Why Parents in Japan Encourage Their child’s Use of PC
Source: Cross Marketing (Conducted 500 mothers of children of between ages 4~12), February 2012 In a survey of mothers of children in age groups between kindergarten through primary school, the survey found that 13.6% of children used their computers every day, whereas 32.6% were said to use them occasionally, 29.2% on rare occasions and 24.6% […]