Find a Job that Fits You in Japan (1): Find Your Values

Let's Discover Your True Values To Find Your Suitable Job

Finding the right job for you may seem easy, but it is actually difficult. Often, people work at jobs that they are good at, but don't last long; people work at jobs they love, but lack the skills and techniques; people work at jobs they are passionate about, but quickly become bored when they actually try them. It is actually very difficult to be happy in a job that suits you. Most people work for a living. If you can also earn money to make a living through a job you love, you will truly lead a fulfilling and happy life.

Here we will give you tips on how to find the right job for you. In addition, we will provide information on what kind of work is available in Japan that is right for you.

What is the right job for me?

Should I work at what I am good at? If you work at something you are good at but do not feel passionate about or do not like, you will not be able to work for a long time. Also, even if you are good at what you love to do, if it is not in line with your values, it is not the right job for you. According to various books on psychology, a job that is right for you is a combination of the following three elements.

  • Values: What is important to you
  • Talents: What you are good at
  • Passions: What you love

A true job that suits you where your values, talents, and passions are merged.

Those who currently have a job that combines these three elements: values, talent, and passion are happy. You may not need to read this article. But do you really know your values, talents, and passions? Answer the following questions to reconfirm who you really are. In this article, we help you find your "Talents."

29 Questions: How to Find What's Important to You (Values)

  1. Who inspires you when you meet them? What is it about them that inspires you? This is related to your values.
  2.  Who are the people who have the greatest influence on you today? What actions or statements of that person influence you?
  3. What do you like and dislike about your father's way of life? Do your current values reflect your father's values? Or do you look at them rather as bad examples?
  4. What kind of person do you want people to say you were after you die? What values do they reveal about you?
  5.  What is your favorite book that you have read? What do you like about it? What values do they reveal about you?
  6.  What moves you? What has moved you the most? What values can you identify from that?
  7. (Please put in the words as if you were 80 years old.) I spend too much time being afraid of (       ). I have spent too little time doing things like (       ). If I could turn back time, I would spend more time on (         ) from now on. What are your values as evidenced by these statements?
  8. Who do you respect the least at work or in your personal life? What do you not respect about that person? The opposite of that person is your value.
  9.  What was the happiest moment in your life from birth to elementary school? What does that tell you about your values?
  10.  What are the major decisions you have made in your life and what criteria have you used to make them? What values can you identify from these experiences?
  11.  What is the experience you are most proud of? People feel proud when they are able to act in accordance with their values.
  12.  Who is your closest or best friend? What do you like about them? What values do they reveal about you?
  13.  What has been your most rewarding experience? What values motivate you?
  14.  What brands do you like? What do your values tell you about yourself?
  15.  List your interests. What values do they have in common?
  16.  What is the most unforgivable thing in your life? What values does this reveal about you?
  17.  When do you feel happiest? What values can you identify from this?
  18.  If you could do anything you wrote here in 5 years, where would you like to be? What values does this reveal about you?
  19.  What major decisions have you made? What factors did you take into account to make that decision?
  20.  What are you proud of in your professional and personal life?
  21.  Please reflect on your life to date. What is the impact you hope to have on those around you in your life?
  22.  Does the way you spend your time now feel meaningful to you? If something is missing, what is it missing?
  23.  What people do you admire most at work and in your personal life? What do you admire about them?
  24.  What can you share to contribute to those around you?
  25.  Who is the best boss you ever had? What did he/she do that made you think so? What does that tell you about your values?
  26.  Who is the worst boss you ever had? What did he/she do that made you think so? What does this tell you about your values?
  27.  What do you have now that you feel you don't need in your life in the future? What values does this reveal about you? (e.g. perfunctory smile, binge drinking, working too hard)
  28.  What are the things that make you want to swear or feel dissatisfied? You can speak ill of someone because you have an ideal and are dissatisfied with the current situation.
  29.  Please list 10 things that you wish were ________. You can choose from any perspective, including your own, other people's, the organization's, or society's. From these, we can understand what your values are. What values do they reveal about you?

100 Specific Examples of Important Personal Values

What's your values?

What's your values?

After answering the 29 questions above, try to describe your values in concrete terms. Look at the 100 specific examples of values below. Choose the ones that apply to your values among these. However, please keep the following in mind.

  • Look for what you "want" to do. What you "should" do is different from your true values because it is a value imposed by your parents or the society.
  • Choose something you can control.
  • Choose something that is purpose-oriented. If you are profit-oriented, such as making money, you are likely to become unhappy.
  1. Self-esteem: Have a sense of self-esteem
  2. Generocity: Respect and accept those who are different from you
  3. Peacefulness: Maintaining one's inner peace
  4. Leisure: Relax and enjoy your time
  5. Discovery: Discovering new things
  6. Adventure: Experience new and exciting things
  7. Hope: Living with hope for the future
  8. Reality: Acting realistically and practically
  9. Responsibility: Act responsibly
  10. Attractiveness: Maintain physical attractiveness
  11. Forgiveness: Live with forgiveness for others
  12. Intimacy: Develop close relationships with a few people.
  13. Rebellion: Question and challenge authority and rules
  14. Carefulness: Taking care of others and nurturing them
  15. Passionate: Passionate about some activity
  16. Popularity: Liked by many people
  17. Sexual Love : Have an active and satisfying sex life
  18. Exercise: Live to the fullest extent of one's ability
  19. Truth: Truth, truth, philosophy
  20. Enthusiasm: Deep concentration on what is in front of you
  21. Convincing: Making decisions after careful consideration.
  22. Freedom: Live life as you wish, unbound by anything.
  23. Expression: Expressing oneself to the world
  24. Excitement: To live a life full of thrills and excitement
  25. Friendship: Make close and supportive friends
  26. Independence: Live independent of others
  27. Modesty: Avoiding excess and finding moderation
  28. Tradition: Respecting patterns passed down from the past
  29. Effort: To strive with all one's might to achieve a goal
  30. Overcoming: Overcoming difficulties and growing
  31. Compassion: To be mindful of and help others
  32. Spirituality: Growing and maturing spiritually
  33. Self-awareness: Having a deep understanding of oneself
  34. Minimalism: Living a minimalist life with the bare necessities
  35. Spare: Have more time and money to spare
  36. Accuracy: To communicate one's opinions and beliefs correctly
  37. Autonomy: Making decisions on one's own without leaving it up to others
  38. Variety: Lead a varied and varied life
  39. Integrity: Live a life of integrity and do not lie to anyone you come in contact with
  40. Growth: Maintain change and growth for the better
  41. Diligence: Work hard at what you do
  42. Acceptance: Accept oneself and others as they are
  43. Virtue: Live a morally righteous life.
  44. Ingenuity: Always looking for better ways to do things
  45. Influence: Control others
  46. Victory: Overcoming oneself and others
  47. Comfort: To lead a comfortable, stress-free life
  48. Commitment: To make an unbreakable promise or vow
  49. Fame: To be famous and recognized for your existence
  50. Pleasure: To feel good
  51. Beauty: To appreciate the beautiful things around us
  52. Creativity: To generate new and innovative ideas
  53. Duty: Fulfilling one's duties and responsibilities
  54. Health: Living a healthy and fit life
  55. Proficiency: Becoming proficient in one's usual work/tasks
  56. Family: Create a happy and loving home
  57. Enjoyment: Enjoy life by playing
  58. Humor: Seeing the humorous side of life and the world
  59. Romance: Falling in love with excitement and passion
  60. Stability: Always living a constant and peaceful life
  61. Nobility: Being dignified
  62. Oneness: Feeling connected to a world larger than oneself
  63. Harmony: Live in harmony with your surroundings
  64. Beloved: To be loved by those closest to you.
  65. Adoration: Giving love to someone
  66. Purpose: To set a direction for the meaning of life
  67. Contribution: To be of service to the world
  68. Courtesy: To be sincere and courteous to others
  69. Trust: To be trustworthy and dependable
  70. Flexibility: To easily adapt to new surroundings
  71. Beliefs: Acting in accordance with what one believes to be right
  72. Beliefs: Consider the will of a being beyond oneself.
  73. Cooperation: Doing something in cooperation with others
  74. Humility: Living in a humble manner
  75. Knowledge: Learn or create valuable knowledge
  76. Openness: Openness to new experiences, ideas, and options
  77. Rationality: Follow reason and logic
  78. Self-control: Control one's own actions
  79. Authority: Responsible leadership of others
  80. Toughness: Maintaining a strong and durable body
  81. Generosity: Sharing what is yours with others
  82. Honesty: Live honestly without lying
  83. Fairness: Treating everyone fairly
  84. Presentness: To live in the present moment
  85. Commitment to One: Finding the Only One You Can Love
  86. Risk: Take a risk and take a chance
  87. Peace of mind: Feel secure
  88. Devotion: Live in service to someone else
  89. Solitude: Have time and space to be alone and away from others
  90. Wealth: Become rich
  91. Peace: Act for world peace
  92. Just as you are: Be yourself without any preconceived notions of what you should be
  93. Professionalism: Work for results without compromising on the outcome.
  94. Savor: Deeply enjoy what is in front of you
  95. Simplicity: Living a simple, uncluttered life.
  96. Achievement: To accomplish something important
  97. Challenge: To tackle difficult tasks and problems
  98. Helping others: Helping those around you
  99. Order: To lead a well-organized and orderly life
  100. Companionship: Spending time with others who are working toward the same goal

Have you found your true values? Of the things on this list of 100, you probably had at least 10 values that you could relate to. If you had about half of them like 50 of them, you may have a lot of life experience. If you can, narrow it down to about 20. List them in order from the ones you strongly identify with and select the top 20.

Once you've done this, then look for your own talents!

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