About Japanese companies and Japanese business people
What is Japanese people’s attitude toward work?

1. I can get something other than money. (2) 2. I have misgivings about the future of my work. (1) 3. I want to keep the same job for a long time. (5) 4. I am looking for a job that suits me or one I enjoy. (3) 5. I want to experience various kinds […]

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About Japanese companies and Japanese business people
Exploring the Source of Motenashi, Japanese-style Hospitality

Exploring the Source of Motenashi, Japanese-style Hospitality Why do Uniqlo’s services captivate people around the world? Japanese-style services are now drawing envious stares from many countries. Despite the fact that there are cultures of hospitality all over the world, why does only the Japanese one attract people’s attention? How different is Japanese hospitality from that […]

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Live in Japan: Japanese lifestyle and its social culture
What is “karaoke”?

カラオケ “karaoke” Karaoke is a compound term consisting of kara, which means “empty”, and oke, which is short for “orchestra.” It has become popular now all over the world. In karaoke, people sing along to music from which the vocals have been deleted. The song lyrics are displayed on a video monitor. Karaoke rooms, where people […]

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Live in Japan: Japanese lifestyle and its social culture
What is Hayashi Rice? Was a Mr. Hayashi the First Person to Make Hayashi Rice?

A Couple of Theories Behind the Invention of Hayashi Rice Hayashi rice (hashed beef rice) is prepared by simmering sauteed beef and onion in a demiglace and tomato sauce or demiglace and red wine sauce and ladling this over rice in the same way as curry rice.  There are various theories about the origin of […]

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Live in Japan: Japanese lifestyle and its social culture
What is "Omiai" in Japan?

見合い “miai” Miai is the first formal meeting between a man and a woman who are seeking marriage partners. A go-between arranges the miai and fixes the date and place. The man and woman later report their impressions of the other indirectly through that person. A marriage arranged through miai is called miai-kekkon (an arranged marriage). […]

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Live in Japan: Japanese lifestyle and its social culture
Manga is not only for kids but adults in Japan

Scattered around my living room bookshelf, my bathroom and even on my dining table are essay collections about life on a dairy farm in Hokkaido, being a poor but well-fed student in Italy and the awkward social skills of “technie” engineers. Comical, heartwarming and sometimes provocative essays about unique experiences are written in most languages. […]

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About Japanese companies and Japanese business people
Staple-free Stapler in Japan

With the ongoing campaign to sort waste for more efficient recycling --- as well as wider utilization of paper shredders --- more people are opting not to use metal stables when fastening sheets of paper. Now “Harinacs” from stationery maker KOKUYO has introduced a new system that enables neat fastening of papers using the paper […]

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About Japanese companies and Japanese business people
What do you do on a commuter train?

The coronavirus has led to a culture of telecommuting, but now that the virus has stopped spreading, people are starting to go to work again. It is not unusual for people living in the suburbs of Tokyo to spend an hour each way to work. So what are they doing on the train? Read a […]

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About Japanese companies and Japanese business people
What do you worry about most when thinking about nursing your elderly parents?

Psychological burden Physical burden Elderly care service fees Finding a good elderly care facility Not knowing much about elderly care Having to consult with strangers about the care Administrative procedures The potential negative effects on my own career or job Reputation of my family Others Source: HUMA CORP. (Conducted among Japanese of all ages)

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About Japanese companies and Japanese business people
What is Monjayaki?

Monjayaki and Its History Monjayaki a Specialty of Tokyo’s Shitamachi Has Its Roots in Monjiyaki Monjayaki is mostly eaten in the Kanto region where Tokyo is situated.  Of the monjayaki, the most well known is probably the monjayaki in the Tsukishima district of Tokyo’s shitamachi (traditional shopping and entertaining district). (See its official Tsukishima Monja […]

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