What is the Technical Intern Training Program for Foreigners? An easy-to-understand explanation of the new system!
May 5, 2020
What is the Technical Intern Training Program for Foreigners? An easy-to-understand explanation of the new system! The number of foreigners currently living and working in Japan was more than 2.8 million as of June 2019, an increase of 98,323 (3.6%) from the end of the previous year, a record high. Most of them have permanent […]
What is the Technical Internship Program for Foreigners?
April 27, 2020
What is the Technical Internship Program for Foreigners? Do you know how many foreigners are there in Japan? There were about 2.82 million people as of June 2019. The population of Japan is about 120 million, so 2.4% of them are foreigners. This number is increasing every year. The reason is that we have to […]