About Being a Foreigner Working in Japan
Being a Gaijin or Gaikokujin in Japan By D. McCaughan A foreigner living in Japan, like any expatriate experience, soon learns that working here has many behaviors that might seem strange “at home.” Not long ago I was in a meeting when . . . Differences Between Japan and Foreign Countries Of course there are […]
Japanese Common Business Practice: "Nemawashi"
By P. Pringle A CEO’s Complaint A couple of years ago, I met the promising new American CEO of a Japan-related company. He is a talented, fast-track executive who is successful in the industry. When I met him, he was very frustrated. He complained about all this “noise” coming from Japan. He said that various […]
Japanese Business Culture: “Nemawashi”
Japanese Business Culture: “Nemawashi” By Patricia Pringle What Is the Purpose of a Meeting? Henry Jones was hired at a large Japanese manufacturer after working for an American company for 10 years. He immediately observed that they did not use a type of tracking software that was standard in the industry. He suggested to his […]