What Is "Haiku"?
Haiku, made up of only 17 syllables arranged in a 5‐7‐5 pattern, is said to be the shortest poetic form in the world. Unlike a "tanka," a haiku is required to have a seasonal word in it. Haiku have become popular overseas, and there are some enthusiasts who compose haiku in English. Takahama Kyoshi's famous […]
What Is "Tanka"? たんか 短歌
Tanka (literally “short poem”), which belongs to the old Japanese poetry called "waka 和歌," is a 31‐syllable poem formed by five lines in the pattern of 5‐7‐5‐7‐7. Originally there existed other forms in "waka" such as "choka 長歌" (literally “long poem”), which was distinguished from "tanka." With the disappearance of "choka" and other minor forms, […]
The History of Japan's School Lunch
The History of Japanese School Meals The School Lunch Law enacted in 1954 states that “Administrators of compulsory education schools must endeavor to implement provision of school meals at applicable compulsory education schools.” As a result, in Japan, most elementary school students and junior high school students eat kyushoku (school lunch). Parents usually pay 250 […]
Japan's Elderly Care Business Using Technology
Using Technology for Japan's Elderly Care Business By Ryoji Shimada, staff writer Japan Moving Toward Promoting Nursing Robots for Elderly In rapidly aging Japan, efforts are accelerating to make more practical and affordable robots for helping the elderly perform daily tasks to cope with a projected future shortage of caregivers. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government […]
Discrimination against Koreans in Japan
Zainichi Sabetsu: Discrimination against Koreans in Japan By Ryoji Shimada There is discrimination in every country. Even in Japan, which is so safe that women can walk alone at night, there is discrimination. Discrimination against women is a major problem in Japan, especially among developed countries. There are many other forms of discrimination, and discrimination […]
What is Andon? Making Andon, a Japanese lantern
Lantern making with a Japanese washi paper The andon is a lantern made of Japanese paper and framed with bamboo or wood lit by burning oil or a candle. It is believed to be originally used by the Buddhist monks during the Muromachi period (1392-1573) as portable lighting. In the Edo period (1600-1867), the andon was especially popular for […]