The Japanese like reserved people
The Japanese Like Reserved and Modest People By Patricia Pringle Misunderstanding on Both Sides The first time I lived in Japan, I was an exchange student from the University of British Columbia at a university in the Osaka suburbs. Spring break was approaching, and one of my teachers asked me if I wanted to work […]
Miso Soup and Its History, the most popular soup in Japan
Miso Soup, the most popular soup in Japan Marukome’s Miso Enjoyed by Japanese from time immemorial, miso has been a staple of the Japanese diet. Miso comes in a wide variety such as Shiro-miso (white miso), Aka-miso (red miso) and so on. A major manufacturer of miso, Marukome developed the world’s first miso with soup […]
What it takes to be a good company in Japan?
Ina Food Industry: To Make a Good Company There is a company in Japan with the motto, “Let’s make a good company.” It’s so simple a child can understand it, but what exactly comprises a “good company?” The explanation continues thusly. A good company is not found in performance related numbers, but in a company […]
Edamame and Its History in Japan, a Feature of Summer Ever Since the Edo Period
Edamame, a Feature of Summer Ever Since the Edo Period Edamame (green soybean) is the perfect companion for beer during the summer. With its vivid, fresh green, and crunchy bite, edamame goes well with ice cold beer at beer gardens during the hot summer. Edamame is all you need to enjoy your favorite beverage. Edamame […]
Yokumoku Cigar and Its History, the most popular gift on business in Japan
Yokumoku Cigar, the most popular gift on business in Japan Yoku Moku’s Cigare “Cigare” is a cookie in a lovely, rolled-up shape. Its dough called “langue de chat” made with lots of butter is characterized by a texture as of simply melting in one’s mouth. The confectionery maker that productized Cigare and has spread […]
“HoRenSo” for non-Japanese employees (9): Sharing Its Purpose
“HoRenSo” for non-Japanese employees (9) Sharing Its Purpose When Giving Orders Q: During the training session for new staff, I was taught to take notes when receiving instructions and to grasp accurately the contents of instructions. Also I was told to recognize a clear target. I thought this was very important. However, after I was assigned […]
Japanese culture of encouraging employees with unrealistic goals
Japanese culture of encouraging employees with unrealistic goals The Project Is a “Go” Fred is an American engineering manager at the US subsidiary of a successful Japanese manufacturing company. He is faced with the challenge of kicking off a new project. “We had all worked hard on the concept phase, and were happy to hear […]
Why did you choose your current company?
<Why did you choose your current company?> 1. (1) Job content 2. (2) Industry type 3. (3) The company’s working conditions and atmosphere/environment 4. (4) The company’s welfare program 5. (5) Salary 6. (7) The company’s financial stability 7. (8) Potential of the company to grow, etc. 8. (10) Commuting convenience 9. (6) Good co-workers […]
“HoRenSo” for non-Japanese employees (8) Sodan: Information Sharing Management
“HoRenSo” for non-Japanese employees (8) Sodan: Information Sharing Management Q: I was advised by my senior colleague that although I am not able to do it now, I should aim to do my job well by engaging those around me. Those around me will be my superiors, seniors, other colleagues, our clients etc. But as I […]
How to Write Email on Business in Japan
Formality and politeness are important for e-mail in Japanese business By Patricia Pringle Not Getting a Timely Response Recently, I was working with some American engineers who were collaborating on a development project with Japanese engineers working for the same company. Bob came by with an email in his hand. “I am going to have […]