What do car drivers want their passengers to do in Japan?
What do car drivers want their passengers to do in Japan?
April 18, 2020Last updated : November 25, 2021Ryoji Shimada
If you live or work in Japan, you may sit in a car together. What do Japanese drivers expect from their passengers when they are in the same car? If your Japanese colleague is driving a car, he or she will be pleased if you do the following!
What do car drivers want their passengers to do in Japan?
Give them a drink or food
Make good conversation with them
Be concerned to keep them alert and attentive to road conditions
Assist with directions
Take over the wheel when necessary
Not sleep
Let them listen to their favorite music or the radio
Clean up inside the car
Clean up the garbage after a day-trip
Source: MACROMILL, INC. conducted in 2018 among 1,000 business people