Haiku and Tanka by Masaoka Shiki

Haiku by Masaoka Shiki

Horyuji-temple, the oldest wooden structure in the world built in 607
Horyuji-temple, the oldest wooden structure in the world built in 607

柿くへば Kakikuheba
鐘が鳴るなり Kaneganarunari
法隆寺 Horyuji

<English Translation>
Chewing a persimmon,
I hear the temple bell toll
from Horyuji.

いくたびも Ikutabimo
雪の深さを Yukinofukasawo
たづねけり Tadunekeri

<English Translation>
Time and time again
I have asked the same question:
How deep is the snow?

Tanka by Masaoka Shiki

Bright crimson red rose
Bright crimson red rose

くれなゐの Kurenaino
二尺のびたる Nishakunobitaru
薔薇の芽の Baranomeno
針やはらかに Hariyaharakani
春雨のふる Harusamenofuru

<English Translation>
In bright crimson red
stretching up a full two feet
the buds of roses
with their soft and tender thorns
as the rain of springtime falls

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