Live in Japan: Japanese lifestyle and its social culture
Socializing in Cyberspace in Japan

Socializing in Cyberspace By an Australian living in Tokyo In Japan, Internet relationships have a dubious image. There are frequent news reports of Internet romances that end up in murder. Many criminals publicize their crime on the Internet before committing them. Indeed, there are sites where people “socialize” by committing suicide together or take part […]

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Live in Japan: Japanese lifestyle and its social culture
The Anatomy of a Monster Parent in Japan

By an Australian living in Tokyo The term “monster parents” has exploded in popularity since it was coined in 2007. Yoichi Mukoyama, a former teacher and now an education commentator on NHK, wrote about the increase of parents who made unreasonable demands on teachers and schools. Catchy and easy to understand, it described a type […]

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Live in Japan: Japanese lifestyle and its social culture
The Decline of Neighborly Relations in Japan

Greeting Your Neighbors When Moving in By an Australian living in Tokyo When I got married to my Japanese husband, one of the rituals I had to perform as a new bride was to greet all the neighbors of my in-laws. My husband, my mother-in-law and I went to about six houses bringing them each […]

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