“I’m sorry to hear about your loss.” “ご愁傷さまです。”
“I was very sorry to hear about your mother.” “お母様のこと大変お悔やみ申し上げます。”
“We heard about the accident. I’m so sorry.” “事故について聞きました。お悔やみ申し上げます。”
“I heard about the loss of your father. I’m so sorry.” “あなたのお父様のことを聞きました。お悔やみ申し上げます。”
“Is there anything we can do to help?” “何か私たちに出来ることがありますでしょうか?”
“I wish we could do something to help.” “私に何か出来ることがあれば良いのですが。”
“This must be a difficult time. Let us know if we can help.” “困難なときだと思います。何か出来ることがあったら知らせてください。”
“I’m so sorry. Please call any time if you need something.” “お悔やみ申し上げます。もし必要な事がありましたらいつでも連絡ください。”
“I’m sorry to hear about ~. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do.” “~について聞きましたがお悔やみ申し上げます。私に何か出来ることがありましたら言ってください。”
I wish to express my deepest sympathy. (Please accept my sincerest condolences.) 心からのお悔やみを申し上げます
I sympathize with you. ご愁傷さまです
My thoughts and prayers are with you. あなたのことを思い祈ります
Mr. Smith's death has saddened me beyond words. スミスさんが亡くなられ,言葉には表せないほどの悲しい気持ちです
I extend my deepest sympathy on the passing of your mother. (I am deeply grieved to hear of the sudden passing of your mother.) ご母堂様のご逝去を悼み, 謹んでお悔やみ申し上げます
Please convey my sympathy to your family. ご家族の皆様に哀悼の意をお伝えください
Although it wasn't totally unexpected, it's still hard to accept. 考えられないことではなかったのですが,まだ受け入れられない思いです
I have just learned with profound sorrow of the passing away of Mr. Smith. (I wish to express my deep regret over the passing of Mr. Smith./ I am deeply grieved to hear of the passing of Mr. Smith.) スミス様ご逝去の報を承り,まことに悲しく存じます
I have just heard of your great loss. Please accept my deepest sympathy. ご逝去の報に接し,心からお悔やみ申し上げます
It was our privilege to have known Mr. Smith. スミスさんは本当にすばらしい方でいろいろとお世話になりました
What a pity we have lost such a great man. 惜しい方を亡くしました
He really was so warm and understanding. とても温かく理解のある方でした
I know your courage will help you through this rough time. (With sincerest sympathy, wishing you strength in the days ahead.) この大変な時期を勇気をもって乗り越えてください
I hope your heart heals quickly. (May your grief diminish soon.) 一日も早く悲しみから立ち直られることをお祈りいたします
(A) Please accept my sincerest condolences. =I’d like to give you my sincerest condolences.
(B) I sympathize with you. ご愁傷様です。
(C) I’m sorry. =What a shame. お気の毒に。
(D) I’m so sorry to hear of your loss.
(E) What a pity we’ve lost such a great man!
(F) Try not to get depressed. どうぞ気を落とさないでください。
(G) It was terrible this time, wasn’t it?
(H) We have just learned with profound sorrow of the passing away of…
(I) We wish to express our deep regret over the passing of….
(J) I know your courage will help you through this rough time.
=With sincerest sympathy, wishing you strength in the days ahead.
(K) I extend my deepest sympathy on the passing of your mother.
=I am deeply grieved to hear of the sudden passing of your mother.
(L) I hope your heart heals quickly.
=May your grief diminish soon.
(C) That’s too bad.よりも丁寧なニュアンス。shameは「残念なこと」「ひどいこと」。(H), (I) はお悔やみのカードに使える表現。profound「心の底からの」。pass away「亡くなる」「息を引きとる」は婉曲的な表現で、dieよりも丁寧になる。passing の代わりに death「死」でも可能だが、直接的すぎるので避けたほうがよい。
(A) I sympathize with you. Thank you for your concern.
(B) My mother died when I was ten. I'm so sorry.
(C) My son died, so now I feel empty. I'm sorry to hear that.
(D) Mr. Aoki died from overwork. What a shame.
(E) I’m going to miss my grandpa. I know how you feel.
(F) My father is in the hospital now. That’s too bad.
(G) It was terrible this time, wasn’t it? It sure was.