Connecting across generations and geography (intaan tribe)
Members of the tribe in the second quadrant are the most promising youths in the new village society. They have strong computer skills, their information is both plentiful and diverse, and they are outgoing, mixing with many other ethnic groups. This group has a relatively high standard deviation academically.
Among them, even though they are still high school or university students, they breach the walls of school, region and age to make connections with a variety of people. Some high school students visit adult alumni in the work force or do entrepreneurial internships. As for social networking sites, they use not only the standard Japanese sites LINE and Instagram, but also Facebook, which is widely used by digital natives throughout the world, and Kaixin001 (Kaixinwang), which is popular in China. In this way, many of them develop organic connections with digital natives in other countries.
In this era of network gaps, based on how effectively they interact with other tribes, perhaps they will raise the level of all of today’s young people.
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