Japanese Youth Type (4): "Nagosaa Tribe"

Japanese Youth Type (4): "Nagosaa Tribe"


Only believing what they hear from their inner circle (nagosaa tribe)

Members of the tribe in the fourth quadrant have the most serious problems in this new village society. They only use cell phones, they have introverted personalities, their network is small, they are barely aware of what cell phones are for, they have few LINE connections, and they only exchange messages with the same group of people.

According to marketing researcher Atsushi Miura, author of “Lower-Class Society,” women in the upper social classes can build a network that opens in many directions, while men in the lower social classes are caught within a closed local network (Chuokoron, July 2009). This is only a tendency but, as both the academic standard deviation and the income are low, as Miura says, people from the lower social classes account for a large proportion of the members in this tribe.

In contrast to the ibesaa tribe, these young people always go out together with the same few local friends, and they attach great importance to calm (nagomeru) relationships. So they are called nagosaa.

In the new village society, the upper and lower classes become unexpectedly connected. So we must keep the unique characteristics of this society alive, support organic connections between the upper-class intaan and the lower-class nagosaa, and make upper-class information flow to the lower layers of society. If we want to aim at the nagosaa, we probably have to target the intaan first.

In any case, we must recognize and face these four types of villagers in the new village society.

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